Made with Unity
The goal of this project was to make a 2D game on which it could act as a base, to be built upon further by the project lead.
This project was developed in a week.
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Project Goals:
Design the game in-keeping with a given theme.
Create a MVP (Minimum Viable Product).
To create a 2D experience.
The game:
Set in space. Some ships have lost their cargo on their way to the space stations. You are tasked with hauling the cargo back to the space station. Navigating through asteroid fields and wormholes.
The Process:
I signed up to the GMTK game jam for the first time back in 2021. The theme was "joined-together."
and right off the bat, the programmer (who was also project lead), requested that the game be a minimum viable product. A request that we humbly accepted. We immediately got to brainstorming ideas for the game as soon as the theme was announced.
As I started writing the game design document, I thought to myself; since joined together meant tether, we could use a player object to tether the objective and haul it to a drop off point. This in turn led to the space setting, with gravity and ropey mechanics acting as the difficulty to the player. I also came up with the premise of the game as a concept, such as the station and the cargo and planned out the levels for the programmer to implement. Since we didn't have a member of the team doing music/sound effects it was up to me to find royalty free music and sound effects.
At the end the programmer was very happy with the product and thanks us all for taking part. I don't know what's happened to the game since. But we fulfilled our obligation and accomplished our main goal of making a MVP.
Closing thoughts:
This project was definitely an interesting one. I did a whole lot more than I imagined I would and have become more confident from this experience than previous ones. This project absolutely became one of the most polished and best looking line-up of games, I have in my portfolio. Not to mention I fulfilled the commitment of making a MVP.